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10 Assault Air Bike Workouts for Weight Loss

10 Assault Air Bike Workouts for Weight Loss

Improve your mindset and aerobic capacity while burning a ton of calories.

In the crowded space of cardio machines, one has been steadily rising in popularity over the last few years.

Thanks in no small part to CrossFit, the air bike has secured a top spot among cardio machines for producing results.

Air bikes include the Assault Air Bike, Rogue Echo Bike, and the Airdyne bike.

It’s an effective and low-impact tool with a host of benefits - better conditioning and calorie incineration being among the most sought-after and cultivated by anyone who has ever taken a spin on “Satan’s tricycle.”

Here are ten workouts you can do on the Assault Air Bike that will accelerate your weight loss.

Assault Bike Workout #1 (Tabata)


The Tabata Interval Training Protocol is a high-intensity interval training style that was developed by Dr. Izumi Tabata to train Olympic skaters in the 1990s.

Dr. Tabata had athletes train using the 20/10 model - meaning 20 seconds of all-out exercise followed by 10 seconds of rest and then repeated and compared them to a group of athletes performing moderate-intensity exercise for one hour.

He found that the athletes using the 20/10 model, or the Tabata Protocol, increased their aerobic and anaerobic fitness levels dramatically. 

Ride as hard as you can for 20 seconds, rest 10 seconds, and repeat for a total of 8 rounds.

20 seconds of work, 10 seconds of rest, 8 times.

Assault Bike Workout #2 (Interval)

This is a pyramid interval, building up to a 50-second sprint and back down.

Minute 1: 10-second sprint, 50 seconds rest.

Minute 2: 20-second sprint, 40 seconds rest.

Minute 3: 30-second sprint, 30 seconds rest.

Minutes 4: 40-second sprint, 20 seconds rest.

Minute 5: 50-second sprint, 10 seconds rest.

Minute 6: 40-second sprint, 20 seconds rest.

Minute 7: 30-second sprint, 30 seconds rest.

Minute 8: 20-second sprint, 40 seconds rest.

Minute 9: 10-second sprint, 50 seconds rest.

Assault Bike Workout #3 (Interval)

Minute 1: 55 seconds moderate pace, 5-second sprint.

Minute 2: 54 seconds moderate pace, 6-second sprint.

Minute 3: 53 seconds moderate pace, 7-second sprint.

Minute 4: 52 seconds moderate pace, 8-second sprint.

Minute 5: 51 seconds moderate pace, 9-second sprint.

Minute 6: 50 seconds moderate pace, 10-second sprint.

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Assault Bike Workout #4 (CrossFit)

Death by Assault Bike

Every minute on the minute (EMOM):

Minute 1: 2 calories

Minute 2: 4 calories

Minute 3: 6 calories

Continue until you can’t reach your goal for calories in a minute.

Assault Bike HIIT Workout #5 (30-Minute)

Max Calorie Burner

This workout is for 30 minutes:

  • Work for one minute and then rest for two minutes.

  • Every minute of work, aim for maximum calories.

Complete ten rounds - 1-minute work, 2 minutes rest.

Assault Bike Workout #6 (+Bodyweight)

Ten rounds for time:

  • 10 Calories on Assault Air Bike

  • 10 Hand-Release Push-Ups

Complete all rounds as quickly as possible.

Assault Bike Workout #7 (Beginner)

Five rounds of max calories in thirty seconds, every five minutes.

Your score is the total number of calories after 25 minutes.

Assault Bike Workout #8 (All Out)

The one-minute mindf*ck.

Ride as hard and as fast as possible for one minute.

Don’t hold back—if you're not absolutely wiped after 60 seconds, you could have gone harder.

Try to improve your number of calories each month.

Assault Bike Workout #9 (Beginner)

For time:

  • Hit 150 calories on the Air Bike.

Continue until the number of calories is complete. Rest at your discretion.

Assault Bike Workout #10 (HIIT)

3 rounds for time:

  • 90 seconds at 60% effort.

  • 30 seconds at 40% recovery effort.

  • 90 seconds at 60% effort.

  • 30 seconds at 40% recovery effort.

  • 90 seconds at 60% effort.

  • 30 seconds at 40% recovery effort.

  • 90 seconds at 60% effort.

  • 30 seconds at 40% effort.

Rest two minutes between rounds.

Read more: LISS Cardio Workouts

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