
A fitness movement built around traveling.

The 10 Best Full Body Calisthenics Workouts

The 10 Best Full Body Calisthenics Workouts

You can build elite-level fitness with only calisthenics.

Every workout I do includes calisthenics. Even if I’m in a gym full of barbells and machines, I’m still doing at least one bodyweight exercise.

You can build an amazing physique by just doing basic bodyweight exercises like push-ups, pull-ups, squats, and sit-ups.

Nothing fancy. Just make sure you’re always progressing and the results will come.

These are the best calisthenics exercises:

  • Pull-Ups

  • Dips

  • Push-Ups

  • Squats

  • Lunges

  • Burpees

  • Sit-Ups

Each one of these exercises can be modified to be even more difficult by doing unilateral variations (single-arm/single-leg), changing hand/foot placement, slowing the tempo, doing more reps, or shortening rest.

I could go on and on about how great calisthenics are, but let’s get to the workouts.

Calisthenics Workout #1 - Beginner (No-Equipment)

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes:

  • 5 Push-Ups

  • 10 Sit-Ups

  • 15 Air Squats

This workout is done as a circuit and can be considered a baseline workout to test where you’re at.

Complete one exercise after the other with as short a rest as possible in between. That’s one round. Do as many as you can until the time is up.

To make progress, do this workout once a week and track how many rounds you complete. Aim to do at least one more round the following week.

Calisthenics Workout #2 - Beginner (No-Equipment)

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes:

  • 10 Hand-Release Push-Ups

  • 10 Burpees

  • 10 Reverse Lunges

This workout is done as a circuit. Complete one exercise after the other with as short a rest as possible in between. That’s one round. Do as many as you can until the time is up.

To make progress, do this workout once a week and track how many rounds you complete. Aim to do at least one more round the following week.

Calisthenics Workout #3 - Beginner (No-Equipment)

Every minute on the minute (EMOM) for 20 minutes, do the following:

  • 4 Burpees

  • 6 Air Squats

  • 8 Sit-Ups

Calisthenics Workout #4 - Intermediate

Do as many rounds as possible (AMRAP) in 20 minutes:

  • 5 Pull-Ups

  • 10 Push-Ups

  • 15 Air Squats

Calisthenics Workout #5 - Intermediate

Do the following exercises as quickly as possible:

  • 100 Pull-Ups

  • 100 Push-Ups

  • 100 Sit-Ups

  • 100 Air Squats

Break up the reps as necessary.

Calisthenics Workout #6 - Intermediate (No-Equipment)

Do the following exercises as quickly as possible:

  • 50 Feet-Elevated Push-Ups

  • 50 Air Squats

  • 50 Hand-Release Push-Ups

  • 50 Walking Lunges

Calisthenics Workout #7 - Intermediate (With Gymnastic Rings)

Perform the exercises as a circuit, completing one set of each in order. Rest for one minute between exercises.

Use gymnastic rings for the chin-ups and dips if you have them.

If not, use a pull-up bar and dip bars. If you don’t have a dip bar, do bench dips or chair dips.

3 Rounds:

  • Ring Chin-Ups - as many reps as possible

  • Ring Dips - as many reps as possible

  • Sit-Ups - as many reps as possible

  • Split Squats - as many reps as possible

Calisthenics Workout #8 - Intermediate

5 rounds of the following:

  • 5 1.5 Chin-Ups or Pull-Ups (Full rep, then halfway up and back down, full rep)

  • 10 Pike Push-Ups (Feet Elevated)

  • 15 3/4 Rep Sumo Air Squats (Come 3/4 of the way up, stop, and go back down)

Calisthenics Workout #9 - Advanced

Do as many rounds as possible (AMRAP) in 20 minutes:

  • 10 Handstand Push-Ups

  • 10 Pull-Ups

  • 10 Pistol Squats (Each Leg)

Calisthenics Workout #10 - Advanced (No-Equipment)

Play the song "Flower" by Moby and perform the following movements for every mention of:

  • "Bring Sally Up:" Hold the top of the Push-Up.

  • "Bring Sally Down:" Hold the bottom of the Push-Up (keep chest an inch off the ground).

This workout can also be done with pull-ups or air squats.

Try the song as many times as you can. I’d recommend 2-3 times with at least one minute rest in between.

Combine these workouts with low-intensity, steady-state cardio workouts and run sprints once or twice a week to build a lean, athletic physique without a gym.

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