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Can a Massage Gun Help With Cellulite?

Can a Massage Gun Help With Cellulite?

Massage guns are an effective tool for reducing cellulite if used correctly.

Massage guns are useful for reducing certain conditions, such as cellulite. But do they actually work? The short answer is yes.

The long answer, however, is that it depends entirely on how you use the massage gun. If you use it properly, the cellulite will start to recede. However, if your technique isn’t just right, then the massage gun won’t help.

In this article, we will go over what makes massage guns an effective tool against cellulite, as well as how vibration therapy can go a long way to reducing cellulite.

By the time you’re done reading this, you’ll know exactly how to use a massage gun to loosen up the skin and reduce that pesky cellulite.

In order to understand why massage guns work, we first need to know exactly what cellulite really is and what causes it.

What is Cellulite?

Cellulite is a common skin condition primarily found in women (although men do have it) that gives small patches of skin a dimpled appearance.

Some people say it looks kind of like cottage cheese. And while it may take on the appearance of fat, cellulite can be found in people of all shapes and sizes.

For the most part, cellulite is found on the thigh or buttocks. If you have cellulite, do not be alarmed. It is harmless and little more than a cosmetic condition.

But just because it’s harmless doesn’t mean we need to put up with it. Luckily, a massage gun is an excellent tool to reduce this frustrating condition.

What Causes Cellulite?

The most common misconception about cellulite is that it is caused by fat. The main reason for this belief is that the appearance of cellulite is caused by excess fat underneath the skin.

This has nothing to do with weight or diet. In fact, cellulite often sticks out more on underweight people.

While we don’t yet have an exact cause for cellulite, there are a number of factors that play into the formation of cellulite.

When fat cells build up, they start pushing against your skin. When this happens they pull down the “cords” that tie the skin to the muscle. The end result is cellulite.

Even though we don’t know the exact cause of that initial fat build-up, there are a number of factors that make this more likely to happen. The most prevalent factor, by far, is simply being female.

Most women will develop cellulite at one point in their lives. This is simply due to how fat gets distributed in the female body.

It’s also genetic, so if someone in your family has it, odds are you’ll also develop cellulite at one time or another.

Ultimately, it boils down to hormones that regulate our fat storage, such as catecholamines. As such hormones vary depending on your genetics and gender, it should come as no surprise that such factors impact your odds of developing cellulite.

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The Solution Of The Percussion Massage Gun

From creams to invasive surgery, there are many options for reducing or eliminating cellulite. However, no two options are made equal. When looking at overall treatment value, there’s no question that surgery is expensive.

Even when you look at treating cellulite with creams, don’t forget that you’ll need to keep buying cream. Over time, this can add up to hundreds (or even thousands) of dollars.

A massage gun, however, is a one-time investment. From the moment the vibrations hit your body, it immediately improves your blood circulation and gets rid of excess fluid.

This, in turn, makes it easier for your body to distribute fat cells.

Since the appearance of cellulite is primarily due to fat cells pushing against your skin, this improved distribution reduces the pull on the “cords” holding the skin to the muscle – in turn reducing the appearance of cellulite.

Try these best Theragun alternatives if you’re looking for more affordable options.

How to Use a Message Gun for Cellulite

Treating cellulite with a massage gun is very simple. One of the best benefits of a massage gun is that you can apply treatment with pinpoint accuracy.

How to use a massage gun for cellulite:

  • Point the massage gun at the affected area.

  • Choose a slow speed and use light pressure.

  • Hold the massage gun on the targeted area for 60 seconds.

  • Work in a circular motion.

  • Avoid direct application to bones and joints.

To get the best use of a massage gun, it’s also important to make sure you are using the right massage gun. There are dozens of great options out there, such as Lifepro’s Sonic Handheld Percussion Massage Gun.

The key things to look for are power, ease of use, and reliability. The Sonic Handheld checks all those boxes.

Final Thoughts

Although harmless, cellulite can be frustrating to deal with. It’s not pleasant to look at and may even give somebody a negative body image for no real reason. That’s why so many people get surgery or buy expensive creams to get rid of cellulite.

Fortunately, with a massage gun, there’s no real need to resort to such measures.

Can a massage gun help with cellulite?

Yes, a massage gun helps to reduce cellulite. By applying a massage gun to the affected area, the cellulite will often slowly start to recede because the body is redistributing the fat cells that cause the appearance of cellulite in the first place.

And unlike other solutions, a massage gun is a one-time investment that keeps paying off years down the road. So if the cellulite starts coming back, you’ll be ready with your secret weapon in hand.

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