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Ryan Humiston Has the Fastest Growing Fitness Channel on YouTube

Ryan Humiston Has the Fastest Growing Fitness Channel on YouTube

He just passed one million subscribers and he’s not slowing down.

If you use YouTube for weightlifting advice and you’re not subscribed to Ryan Humiston’s rapidly-growing channel, you will be by the time you finish this article.

YouTube is an extremely competitive space, with millions of content creators vying for just a fraction of your attention.

The fitness niche is no exception but one man has successfully created his own gravitational pull and is reeling in views by the truckload.

Ryan Humiston’s Background


Ryan keeps his personal life mostly private on his YouTube channel, so we don’t know a whole lot about his background.

But we do know that Humiston has competed in the National Physique Committee (NPC) championships, an amateur bodybuilding organization. We also know that he’s been a vegan since around 2018.

His YouTube page says he joined in 2011 but he didn’t begin focusing on building his channel until the last year, which makes his meteoric rise to the top that much more incredible.

He currently has over 124 million views of his videos.

What really stands out about Ryan’s videos is the straight-to-the-point attitude he has.

He introduces the problem that the viewer has, like trying to grow their arms, and then quickly addresses it by showing what he does (and he has the arms to back it up).

But that’s not the only thing that makes Ryan capture your attention. The guy clearly knows what he’s talking about.

Think you need to lift the heaviest weight you can to grow muscle? You’d be wrong.

Ryan preaches a few things that help his subscribers cultivate muscle growth in ways that may typically be scoffed at.

He talks about partial ranges of motion, changes in angles, isolating muscle groups by removing any possibility of assistance from other muscle groups, and working in a 15-30 repetition range.

Ryan has essentially shown us how to make twenty pound dumbbells feel like fifty pound dumbbells. No easy feat.

And if all the good advice and no-bullshit wasn’t good enough for you, the guy is pretty funny. He has a darker sense of humor, but that’s what makes it so great.

Here’s one of Ryan’s most watched videos (3.4 million views).

“Lighten the weight, up the reps. You’re gonna get results.”

Ryan Humiston Workouts

Now that you know a bit about Ryan, let’s take a look at some of his workout videos, with sets and repetitions listed.

Ryan Humiston Arm Workout

This arm workout has you alternating between biceps and triceps exercises.

  • Incline Curls - Reg Curls - Drag Curls: 4 Sets (each is to failure with no rest in between) / 15-20 Reps

  • Skull Crushers (3 Drops): 4 Sets / 15 - 20 on the first set then good luck

  • Single Arm Bench Curls: 4 Sets / 15 reps (Each)

  • Dips - Reverse Grip Pushups: 4 Sets / 10 partials to pre-exhaust then to failure

Ryan Humiston Shoulder Workout

  • Partial Side Laterals: 3 sets/20 reps

  • Leaning Side Laterals: 3 sets/20 reps

  • Leaning Rotations SS Partial Rear Flys: 4 sets/20 reps

  • Arnold Presses (Mechanical Reps): 4 Sets/10 slow reps

This dumbbell shoulder workout demonstrates how you can manipulate lighter weights to grow more muscle.

Ryan Humiston Leg Workout

  • Static Lunges: 4 Sets / 20 Reps Each

  • Leg Step Ups: 4 Sets / 20 Reps Each Leg

  • Low Bar Squat (Stay at the bottom): 3 Sets / 30 Reps

  • Walking Lunges (Use same weight as the low bar squats): 3 Sets / Failure

  • Dumbbell Stiffs (Let those dumbbells drift to increase the stretch): 4 Sets / 15-20

  • Single-Leg Calf Raise on Plate (4 way): 4 Sets / 15 Reps of each angle

Bottom Line

YouTube is an incredible resource for anyone looking for fitness guidance. Ryan Humiston has honed his weightlifting craft and then figured out how to create content that stands out among the crowd.

If your focus is on building muscle, Ryan’s channel is one you need to subscribe to. Take it from someone who has followed his advice and then crafted a dumbbell-only workout program based on what I learned from him.

I recently completed and reviewed Ryan’s 30-day full gym program.

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