Dumbbell Monster II: 4-Week Muscle-Building Program

Dumbbell Monster II: 4-Week Muscle-Building Program
If you survived Dumbbell Monster, congratulations. Now, get ready to really hurt.
Here’s Dumbbell Monster II and it’s even more brutal.
This program is going to show you how to build muscle with dumbbells by:
Introducing higher volume with new training patterns (giants sets, supersets, etc.) and taking sets into higher rep ranges.
Making small changes to traditional movements to make them more effective for muscle growth.
This program includes:
A structured plan with two 2-week phases to keep your muscles stimulated.
Five workouts a week targeting one muscle group at a time for optimal mind-muscle connection and gains.
Exercises that build muscle using only dumbbells with carefully selected methods that have been tested for quick results.
The flexibility to train for muscle growth almost anywhere.
An end result of unparalleled muscle growth that will have you feeling like you’ve actually made progress.
24/7 support for any questions you have throughout the program.
This 4-week program is the second part of our dumbbell training series designed to build muscle with only dumbbells.
Without a plan, you’re wasting your time. You need to add structure to your training to get the results you want. Get started now.
**NOTE this program comes in a downloadable PDF format only. After your purchase, you will be linked to the download page.